Custom Calman calibration for DSMC3 RED Touch 7.0" LCD

This article describes the process to configure the DSMC3 RED Touch 7.0" Monitor for use with the Calman Calibration Solutions software.

The DSMC3 RED Touch 7.0" Monitor (firmware version v6 and newer) supports ethernet adapters that work with Realtek 8152 drivers. Such as the Belkin F2CU040 USB-C to Ethernet Adapter

  1. Plug one end of the USB-C to Ethernet cable into the USB-C port on the left side of the RMI ; plug the other end into the Ethernet port on your computer or Ethernet Adapter.
  2. Check SmallHD monitor settings under 'system.' When the monitor detects a compatible adapter, the 'IP Address' will show up.
  3. Ensure 'static IP' is disabled / off.
    • If you do not see an IP, press 'Request IP Address.'
  4. In the left side Menu UI, scroll up to "Calibration" and press 'New Calibration.'
  5. Select 'Calman Calibration.'

  6. Once this step is complete, you will see the Monitor interfacing with Calman. You can now move over to the Calman software to continue
  7. When starting the Calman session, under 'workflow,' select 'SmallHD Autocal.'
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  8. Once configured, input the IP address shown on the Monitor.
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  9. Follow the on-screen prompts and instructions in Calman to complete the calibration.


  • Under the probe settings, set 'sync mode' to 'ON' and then sync the meter.
  • Under 'Display Type,' select 'LCD.'
  • It is recommended to create a new 'Meter Profile' when calibrating the DSMC3 RED Touch 7.0" LCD.
    A screenshot of a computer

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