RED Apple Workflow Installer

What is the RED Apple Workflow Installer?

The RED® Apple® Workflow Installer is for Mac® systems running Final Cut Pro® X or Final Cut Pro 7 (as part of Final Cut Studio). You can use the plugins in the RED Apple Workflow Installer to import REDCODE® RAW clips as native REDCODE media or wrapped in QuickTime®. You also have the option to transcode clips directly to Apple ProRes codec. The RED Apple Workflow Installer v6.0 provides the following plugins:

  • RED FCP X plugin (v2.22)
  • RED QuickTime codec (v6.4)
  • Log and Transfer plugin (v31.4)
  • Color plugin (v4.13)


How do I uninstall the RED Apple Workflow Installer?

To uninstall the RED Apple Workflow Installer plugins, you must delete the following files from Macintosh HD > Library:

  1. Go to Frameworks and delete REDCODE.Color.framework.
  2. Go to Application Support > Proapps  > Mio > Rad > Plugins and delete RED.RADPlug.
  3. Go to QuickTime and delete REDCODE.QT.component.
  4. Go to Preferencepanes and delete REDcode.prefPane.
  5. Go to Application Support > Proapps and delete RED.bundle.


Here are some direct links to some of the most frequently requested downloads:

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