V-RAPTOR - Compatible Batteries


Compatible batteries are those that provide enough current (14.4v with 8A or greater) to power the RED V-RAPTOR & also fit the dimensions on the V-RAPTOR’s integrated Micro V-Lock plate. 

RED chose the Micro V-Lock plate for the V-RAPTOR to keep its form-factor compact. As a result, not all V-Lock batteries are compatible with the camera, and they require an adapter. 

NOTE: V-Lock batteries with a width greater than 75mm (2.95”) are not compatible with the camera’s Micro V-Lock plate & will require adapter plates. 

NOTE: The camera allows you to charge batteries that support SMBUS communication directly. The camera must be powered off, and the AC power adaptor connected to a power source and to the camera’s DC-IN port.

Below is a small subset of available batteries on the market that have been RED-tested & deemed compatible. These batteries fit the camera’s native Micro V-Lock plate and communicate with the camera to display battery percentage and time remaining information within the camera’s UI. Other batteries may however be compatible.  

Brand Product Name
Anton Bauer  Titon Micro 45**, Titon Micro 90, Titon Micro 150 
CoreSWX  NANO Micro V-mt
Global Dynamics United (GDU) 98WH MINI V-LOCK
Hawk-Woods VL-M50**, VL-M98 & VL-M150
IDX  Imicro98 & Imicro150
Swit PB-M98S*
WARNING: While third-party batteries may be mechanically compatible with the camera system, the manufacturer is responsible for the performance and stability of third-party options, not RED. Damage to the camera system or third-party devices caused by using third-party power options is not covered under warranty. The camera may be unable to determine and display the voltage or remaining battery capacity of third-party power options.
*These batteries have ports on the battery which may interfere with V-RAPTOR's rear I/O stack when cables are plugged in.
** These batteries have a lower max load limit & may cause camera brown-outs if additional accessories other than the camera are drawing power from them. 
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