KOMODO - Start/Stop

There are two main ways to trigger KOMODO start/stop remotely using a third party device such as a follow focus hand controller:


KOMODO uses a contact closure / momentary ground method for run/stop through its Extension Port. It is important to note that previous RED cameras could use the Schmidt method of triggering and therefore cables designed for earlier RED cameras may be built in such a way which makes them incompatible with KOMODO. Many third party cables and breakout boxes will connect to the Extension Port and provide a dedicated Run/Stop connector in some form, be it BNC or a 3 PIN Fischer receptacle, which allows KOMODO to be triggered using readily available cables. A direct cable to any device can also be built with the pinout information available in the KOMODO Operation Guide.


The KOMODO extension port also features the ability to breakout into the 4-PIN CTRL connector found on DSMC2 modules. While many KOMODO breakout boxes feature this 4-PIN CTRL connector, KOMODO uses an updated version of the RED Command Protocol found in DSMC2 and devices that once controlled DSMC2 will need to be updated to also control KOMODO over RCP2. Therefore, devices will not work over RS-232 CTRL cables until third party manufacturers update their systems.

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