DSMC2/RANGER - Save a Log File

A log file is a detailed text file of the processes and operations performed by the camera. If you contact RED for support, you may be asked to send a log file. The menu paths are slightly different between DSMC, DSMC2, and KOMODO cameras, so both are described below:


To save a log file, follow the instructions below:

  1. Ensure that a RED MINI-MAG SSD is properly mounted to the camera.
  2. Go to Menu > Settings > Maintenance.
  3. Select Save Log.

The log file is saved as a *.txt file in the SSD root directory.


To save a log file, follow the instructions below:

  1. Ensure that a compatible Cfast card is mounted properly to the camera.
  2. Go to Menu > Maintenance.
  3. Select Save Log.

The log file is saved as a *.txt file in the Cfast root directory. For larger log files, use a file hosting service to send the log file as a link.

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