DSMC - Stereo Microphone and Camera Compatibility

The two balanced mono 3.5mm microphone ports on the front of DSMC camera BRAINs are intended for use with a mono mic level signal. If you are using a stereo microphone with a built-in cable, such as the Rode Videomic Pro, you will need to attach a stereo-to-mono adapter in order to receive an audio signal successfully.

The unbalanced stereo 3.5mm microphone port on the DSMC2 Base Expander and the DSMC2 V-Lock I/O Expander are intended for use with either a mono or stereo mic level signal.

The RED XLR Microphone Cable is for balanced inputs (i.e., +/- inputs). It may not work directly plugged into a standard microphone without another cable in between.

To solve this, you could use a 3.5mm stereo breakout cable to connect two (2) microphones (L or R):

You could also use a 3.5mm stereo to XLR breakout cable:

NOTE: when selecting a cable you will need a "breakout" cable and not a "splitter" or "Y" cable. The"splitter" or "Y" cable will simply duplicate the common connector leaving you with the same potential issue.

If you want to record only one (1) single channel on a DSMC2 camera, you will need to use a stereo breakout cable, a stereo microphone, or mono microphone.

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