DSMC2/RANGER - Warnings and Error Messages

Topics covered on this page:


“Critical Failure” or “Serious Error” Messages


When you upgrade or turn on the camera, the display shows a message with the phrase “Critical Failure” or “Serious Error”.

Potential Resolutions

  • Update the camera firmware to the latest release build.
  • Submit a Support ticket. Include the following with the request:
    • Log file
    • List of modules, lens, and third-party accessories that were attached when the error occurred.
    • Method for powering the camera when the error occurred (include battery types, power modules, and power cables)


Cannot Control Camera Externally


The camera displays the message “For reliable external control over Ethernet your camera’s hardware may need to be upgraded. Please contact your Bomb Squad representative”.

Potential Resolution

If you see this message, contact your Bomb Squad representative to have your hardware upgraded. You will not be able to control the camera externally until the hardware is upgraded.


Error 0X00000020


The display shows a message with the phrase “Error 0x00000020. Please save log and send to RED support.”

Potential Resolutions

  • Perform a secure format of the SSD. For more information, go to the DSMC Media Operation Guide.
  • Update the camera firmware to the latest release build.
  • Submit a Support ticket. Include the following with the request:
    • Log file.
    • List of modules, lens, and third-party accessories that were attached when the error occurred.
    • Method for powering the camera when the error occurred (include battery types, power modules, and power cables).


“Upgrading Attached Peripherals” Message


During an attempt to upgrade firmware, the display shows the message “Upgrade Attached Peripherals”. After turning the camera off and then on, the same message displays, and then prompts you to turn off the camera.

Potential Resolutions

  • Ensure that you are upgrading your camera to the newest firmware version.
  • One (1) of your modules or lens mounts (collectively known as “peripherals”) may be experiencing issues. Remove all peripherals (except for the media bay), and upgrade firmware. Then attach another peripheral, and upgrade firmware again. Repeat this process, upgrading one (1) peripheral at a time. This will identify which peripheral is experiencing issues. If there is a peripheral that will not upgrade, submit a Support ticket.


"Sensor Calibration Recommended" Message

Sensor Calibration Recommended
The current sensor calibration is out of date.

Please black shade the camera. 

The "Sensor Calibration Recommended" pop-up occurs on startup when the current firmware does not support the sensor calibration file. Periodically, RED updates the calibration settings to improve image quality. This results in a mismatch when calibration files created from older firmware are loaded after a firmware upgrade. The older calibration file is then outdated, so RED recommends black shading the camera to create a calibration file that is optimized for the new firmware.

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